Career with us

To achieve our goals, we certainly need creative and capable people whose ideas and commitment will help our language school on its way to success.

Our main objective as far as human resources are concerned is to establish and develop a cohesive of motivated and skilled professionals, able to cooperate at any level.

We appreciate your work and will offer you the appropriate background and many benefits. In the friendly environment of stable company, we allow our teachers to continuously work on their qualifications and, last but not least, promote our motto, which says that enthusiasm for learning can be passed on, i.e. happy and enthusiastic teacher = happy and enthusiastic student.

Right now we are preparing a wide-ranging programme of corporate development and welcome everyone interested in working as a foreign language teacher as well as teachers of other subjects and various training specialists.


If you're interested, send us your curriculum vitae at

You will be automatically included in the database of job seekers in the JILL Language School. To be able to offer you a suitable job now or in the future, we need to understand your requirements and wishes. Please tell us everything you consider important in this regard. When a suitable job is available, we will contact you.