
Jazykové kurzy

Czech for Foreigners – Intermediate Level Level A2

This Czech language course at the A2 level is designed for students who already have a basic knowledge of Czech and want to progress further. This course will help you consolidate your existing knowledge and expand it with new skills that you can use in everyday communication.

  • Czech for foreigners
  • Děti A2-B2 (8.-9. třída)
  • Dospělí A1 (mírně pokročilí)
  • Dospělí A2 (mírně pokročilí)
  • Studenti B1 (středně pokročilí)

Obsah kurzu

What should you know before starting the course?

At the A2 level, you should be able to handle basic communication in simple situations. This includes the ability to:

  • Understand basic phrases and expressions related to everyday activities.
  • Communicate in simple sentences on topics such as family, work, shopping, and local geography.
  • Introduce yourself, describe your family, job, and the environment where you live.
  • Master basic grammatical structures, such as the present tense, past tense, and basic prepositions.

What can you expect from the course?

Vocabulary Expansion:

  • You will learn new expressions and phrases necessary for daily life.
  • Topics will include health, leisure, travel, education, and work.

Improvement of Communication Skills:

  • The course is focused on practical use of Czech, with an emphasis on conversation.
  • You will practice responding in various situations, such as in a restaurant, at the doctor’s office, or when handling official matters.


  • You will consolidate and deepen your understanding of grammar, including more complex tenses, declensions, and the comparison of adjectives.
  • You will learn how to correctly form sentences and use proper temporal and spatial conjunctions.

Listening and Comprehension:

  • The course includes regular listening exercises aimed at understanding spoken Czech in different contexts.


  • You will work on writing simple texts, such as emails, messages, or short essays on common topics.

Preparation for the A2 Exam:

  • If you plan to apply for permanent residency in the Czech Republic, this course will prepare you for the Czech language exam at the A2 level.
  • You will gain an overview of the exam format and practice each section to feel well-prepared for the exam.

Course Benefits:

  • Possibility of taking the A2 exam: The course will effectively prepare you for the A2 exam, which is required for obtaining permanent residency.
  • Individualized approach: Our instructors will tailor the lessons to your needs, helping you achieve the best possible results.
  • Online access: If you cannot attend the lessons in person, you can join online and not miss out on any sessions.
  • Collaboration with Charles University: You can take exams directly at our school thanks to our collaboration with the Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies at Charles University (ÚJOP UK).

We look forward to your participation in the course and to improving your Czech language skills together!

  • Datum zahájení:
  • Datum ukončení:
  • Výukových týdnů: 
  • Výukových hodin:
  • Termín:
    Thursday 17:00-17:45
    1x 45 minut (2-4 students), 1x 60 minut (5-6 students), 1x90 minut (7-10 students)
  • Kód:
    BČ MP A2
  • Místo konání:
  • Lektor:
    Czech teacher
  • Kapacita kurzu: 
    Min. 2, max. 10
  • DokončenÁ úroveň:


5 400

Registrovat se na kurz
  • Personalized Approach

    Our teachers provide dedicated attention to each student. Therefore, we accept a maximum of 10 participants per course.

  • Jill App

    With our user-friendly app, you get access to all your learning records. Teachers provide recommendations for improvement, helping you prepare more effectively.

  • Preparation for Certified Exams

    We have a close partnership with Charles University, specifically with the Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies (UJOP). You can take A2, B1, and other Czech language exams directly at our welcoming school environment.


  • Výborná jazykovka, díky které se mi podařilo získat Cambridge certifikát na nejvyšší úrovni. Šikovní učitelé, kteří s ochotou komunikují i mimo lekce, a přívětivé vedení, díky kterému se ve škole cítíte jako doma. Mohu jen doporučit!

    Alisa Gumerová

  • Jill navštěvuji už přes 3 roky, skvělá zkušenost jak z kurzu španělštiny, tak také angličtiny. Učitelé jsou velmi milí a je tam příjemná atmosféra.

    Kateřina Dyrynková

  • Skvělá škola, vřele doporučuji, syn i já navštěvujeme. Chválím širokou nabídku kurzů a příjemné kantory.

    Jana Holá

  • Velký výběr kurzů pro mě i pro děti. Nejen angličtina. Doporučujeme.

    Nikola Krausová:

  • Příjemné prostředí, velice vstřícná komunikace, lektoři nemají s ničím problém.

    Kateřina Strejcová:

  • Velký výběr kurzů a skvělá komunikace. I online výuka na vysoké úrovni

    Martina Kohoutová

  • Profesionální přístup v přátelském prostředí. Díky JILL jsem letos úspěšně složil mezinárodní zkoušku B1 z Němčiny u Goethe-Institut Prag. Výsledky mluví za ně… 🙂

    František Březina


Registrujte se na kurz Czech for Foreigners – Intermediate Level Level A2
za 5 400 Kč

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Group 137 1 | Czech for Foreigners - Intermediate Level

Registrace do kurzu: Czech for Foreigners – Intermediate Level Level A2

Cena kurzu

5 400

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